101 Gen Z Slangs, Lingos & Phrases Cheat sheet – Parents Must Know in 2024 for not Becoming Cheugy

Gen Z uses few typical words, slangs, lingos or phrases that we parent often finds difficult to understand. Let’s learn 101 such top popular Gen Z slangs that every parent should be updated with to not to look like “Uncool” or for not becoming “Cheugy”.

Gen Z Slangs

Who are Gen Z Kids

Kids born between the late 1990s and the early 2010s are referred to as Generation Z or Gen Z. It was the very first generation to be born in the digital era and to have grown up with internet access. This distinction set them apart from previous generations.

Earlier generations of children were taught bad conducts or abusive language by their friends or acquaintances. That’s why our parents always told us to hang out with decent people. However, Gen Z learns its slang and lingos primarily through online social media apps such as YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter.

Many of the Gen Z slangs or language used by Generation Z adolescents were not formed by them. These terminologies were already in use, but they were merely popularized and mainstreamed by Generation Z. In the guise of cultural appropriation, these Gen Z slangs terms were frequently improvised from African-American colloquial English.

Why Gen Z Kids use Slangs?

Like every generation, Generation Z has its own vernacular and slangs that can often sound like a completely different language. They use Gen Z slangs to connect with their peers and communicate themselves in a distinctive manner.

Memes , GIFs, and social media trends influence Gen Z slangs and vernacular. They are also the most digitally literate generation, who’ve grown up with smartphones, tablets, and a variety of digital devices. Diversity, inclusion, and open-mindedness are some of Gen Z’s defining features. They are also noted for their entrepreneurial spirit and independence.

It is probable that their usage of gen Z slangs reflects these features, as well as their hunger to be distinct and distinguish themselves from past generations.

What are Some Defining Characteristics of Gen Z?

The Generation Z has grown up with technology and social media. They are recognized for their inclusion, diversity, and open-mindedness. They are also the first generation that has grown up with smartphones, tablets, and other digital devices.

The entrepreneurial energy and independence of Generation Z are also well known. They are more likely than the earlier generations to create their own firms and work for themselves. They are also more environmentally and socially sensitive than prior generations. They are also more likely to be politically active and involved in social activities.

List of Top 101 Gen Z Slangs:

  1. And I oop: An exclamation of surprise or shock, frequently used ironically or sarcastically.
  2. Bae: The phrase “before anyone else” refers to a love interest or a crush.
  3. Bet: A manner of saying “okay” or “sure” in response to an offer or a challenge.
  4. Big yikes: A stronger version of “yikes,” implying a more serious error or shame.
  5. Boomer: A disparaging phrase for an elderly person, particularly one who is out of touch with society or reluctant to change.
  6. Bruh: A informal way of greeting a buddy, often used to show surprise or irritation.
  7. Cancelled: To withdraw support or affiliation from someone or something because of bad behavior or ideas.
  8. Cap: A lie or untruth, frequently combined with “no cap” to signify “no lie” or “for real”.
  9. CEO of: A means of playfully assigning someone a title based on their behavior or characteristics, such as “CEO of being late for work” or “CEO of mockery”.
  10. Cheugy: Something that isn’t trendy or current. Say, for instance, “Hey bob, your dress sense is so cheugy!”
  11. Clap your hands: A smart or scathing retort to an insult or criticism.
  12. Clout: Notoriety or influence, particularly on social media platforms.
  13. Cringe: Something awkward, embarrassing, or unpleasant to witness or experience.
  14. Dank: A word used for defining a funny internet meme. “I enjoy dank memes”
  15. Deadass: To emphasise a statement or a query, use seriously or for real.
  16. Ded: Used as a synonym for something so amusing that it “kills you.” “I am truly ded, it was hilarious”
  17. Discord kitten: A Discord user who requests or obtains a Discord Nitro membership from another user. The term “sugar baby” is close to it. “Had your discord kitten provided you this avatar?”
  18. DPMO: An abbreviation meaning “don’t piss me off.” Along with the terms “ijbol” and “idgaf”, it is sometimes used to designate a specific group of individuals or personality. For example, “I’m in an ugly mood, DPMO.”
  19. Drip: A fashionable or trendy look or clothing. For example, “Cool drip, where did you get it?”
  20. Extra: Someone or anything that is extravagant, theatrical, or exuberant.
  21. F in the chat: A term used to convey sadness or condolences for someone’s loss, taken from a video game meme in which pressing F pays respects.
  22. Facts: The reality or the truth or a statement on which everyone agrees. Example, “Uncontested facts right here”.
  23. Fam: An abbreviation for “family,” which refers to a close buddy or a group of friends.
  24. Fire: A thing that is hot, amazing, or wonderful, as in music, food, or clothing. Like, “The concert was a fire”. 
  25. Flex: To brag about something, usually in a derogatory way.
  26. FR: Short form of “For real” that is used in agreement. For example, “He’s extremely cute fr”.
  27. Glazing: To lavishly praise or be fascinated with someone. For example, “Please stop glazing, no-one cares.”
  28. Ghost: To ignore or discontinue speaking with someone without reason.
  29. Glow up: An improvement or metamorphosis in one’s personalities, appearance, or situation.
  30. GOAT: An abbreviation for “greatest of all time,” which refers to someone or something who is the best in their industry or category.
  31. Gyatt: It is an abbreviation for “God Damn”. Typically used when a man considers a woman appealing. e.g., “Did you see her latest profile pic? Gyatt!”
  32. Gucci: An expression of good, cool, or wonderful in response to someone’s greetings like “how are you?” or “What’s up?”
  33. Different: Anything that is superior in an unusual way. By way of example, “cappuccino of Caffe Coffee Day just hits different”
  34. Hangry: Its hunger plus angry. An angry or irritable state caused by hunger.
  35. High-key: exceedingly or exceedingly used to show passion or intensity.
  36. Hype: Excitement or expectation for something, usually spurred by social media or word-of-mouth.
  37. I can’t even: A term used to indicate annoyance, disbelief, or tiredness, typically meaning that something is too much to bear.
  38. I’m dead: A term used to indicate enjoyment, laughing, or amazement, frequently meaning that something is ridiculous or humorous.
  39. I oop: Used to convey surprise, humiliation, or enjoyment. Like, “Did she just fall? I oop.”
  40. It’s giving… : Describe something or someone’s attitude or connotation. As in, “It’s giving yuck”
  41. Iykyk: An abbreviation for “If you know, you know.” Inside jokes are described using this term.
  42. Karen: A derogatory name for a woman who is entitled, unpleasant, or demanding, and who frequently requests to speak with the manager.
  43. Let him cook: Allow one to proceed without interruption (particularly while saying or doing anything offensive) with the expectation that the outcome will be amusing, if not pleasing. “Hold on, let him cook” is an example.
  44. L+Ratio: Insult predominantly used online. For example, “I am not concerned about your point of view, L+Ratio.”
  45. Lit: Something exciting, enjoyable, or wonderful, which is frequently used when referring to parties, events, or music.
  46. Literally 1984: A phrase used to indicate something very totalitarian. When someone is clearly told that something is forbidden, this phrase is frequently used in jest. Example, “This country is literally 1984 these days.”
  47. Low-key: Used to express a concealed wish or opinion in a subtle or secretive manner.
  48. Mid: To be average/mediocre, usually with a negative meaning. Like, “These cookies are mid, I’ve had better ones before”
  49. Mood: A word used to show agreement with or relate to the feelings or situation of another.
  50. Moot/Moots: An abbreviation meaning “mutual” or “mutual followers.” For example, “I only allow my moots to respond to my posts.”
  51. Noob: A noob is a novice or inexperienced person, particularly in any game or online activities.
  52. Not X: Used to criticize or mock someone or something. Like, “Not y’all trying to be popular.”
  53. NPC: Someone who is unable to think for oneself and/or has little or no influence over their own lives. Someone who is willing to blindly accept common opinion and always believes what they are told. Someone who behaves robotically. For example, “He’s such an NPC, he has no say.”
  54. Ok boomer: A contemptuous term for an older person who is thought to be out of touch with current events or to be reluctant to change.
  55. Ohio: Used to portray something unusual or bizarre in a funny light by saying it originates from Ohio. Example, “This guy looks so strange, I guess he’s from Ohio.”
  56. On God: Abbreviation for “I swear to God.” This indicates that a person’s assertion is truthful. Like, “That video was crazy on god.”
  57. Opp: Abbreviation for opposition or enemies; represents a person’s adversaries. According to an early definition, the word is abbreviation for “other people’s pussy.” Example, “I need to be cautious, my opps are out there.”
  58. Out of pocket: To be insane, wild, or extreme, often to an extreme that is regarded excessive. For example, “That remark was out of pocket.”
  59. Period / Perioduh: A statement ending with conviction and certainty, commonly used to show agreement or acceptance.
  60. Q&A: An abbreviation for “question and answer,” which refers to a session in which someone responds queries from the audience or a platform.
  61. Quaranfling: A love relationship that begins amid quarantine and may or may not last once the quarantine ends.
  62. Rant: A lengthy and irritating speech or prose on anything that irritates or disturbs the speaker or writer.
  63. Receipts: Testimony or proof of anything, which is frequently in the way of screenshots, messages, footage, and so on.
  64. Rent-free: Constantly considering something. e.g., “That particular clip stays rent-free in my mind.”
  65. RIP: An abbreviation for “rest in peace,” which means to convey condolences for somebody who has died. Also used ironically to denote anything that has flopped.
  66. Rizz: One’s Charm/seduction abilities. e.g., “That man has no shortage of rizz, he attracts all the girls.”
  67. Savage: Someone who is fearless, ruthless, and clever, and who is unconcerned about the impact of their activities.
  68. Shade: Subtle criticism or disregard toward someone.
  69. Sheesh: To compliment someone when they do something nice. The vowels are frequently stressed, as in “sheeesh.” “Sheesh, these dresses are gorgeous.”
  70. Ship: to encourage and wish for a romantic connection between two people.
  71. Shook: To be surprised, disturbed, or troubled. “I was quite shook hearing that” .
  72. Simp: Sycophancy, or excessive fondness in an attempt for a sexual relationship with someone else. For example, “Enough of simping for that woman, she doesn’t even know you.”
  73. Sis: Short for “sister,” this term refers to a female companion or individual who shares the speaker’s or writer’s beliefs or experiences.
  74. Situationship: An uncertain romantic connection in which all parties have a common affection for each other but those sentiments are not precisely defined; a confusing state between dating and not dating. e.g., “I have no idea if he loves me or not, so it’s currently a situationship.”
  75. Skrt skrt: The sound of an automobile screaming its tyres or going quickly. Also used to show eagerness or urgency, or quickly shift the topic of conversation.
  76. Sksksk: A happy/laughing expression. e.g. “OMG this is so funny sksksksk.”
  77. Slaps: A term used to describe something that is thought to be good, especially when associated with music. As in, “This song slaps”.
  78. Slay: To slay means to perform something exceedingly skillfully or impressively.
  79. Slide into the DMs: Sending a private message to somebody on a social media site, typically with either sexual or romantic purposes.
  80. Smol: A small and charming word that is frequently used for describing animals or people.
  81. Snack: An attractive or appealing person.
  82. Snatched: A term used to describe something that is thought to be good, such as something that is so good that it snatched your wig right off. e.g., “That doughnut snatched my hair because it tasted so good” .
  83. Soft-launch: To suggest being in an affair on social media in a subtle way. This is used when a partnership is not official and can simply be ended. e.g., “We’re still trying out between us, so right now it’s a soft launch.”
  84. Stan: A celebrity, artist, or fandom enthusiast who is infatuated or devoted to them.
  85. Subtweet: A subtweet is a tweet that refers to someone indirectly without specifying their name or account, usually to criticize or mock them.
  86. Sus: Short for “suspicious,” which means shady, untrustworthy, or doubtful.
  87. Tea: Rumour, drama, or spicy information, frequently used in conjunction with “spill the tea” to signify “tell me everything.”
  88. Thicc: Having a curvy or voluptuous physique, particularly in the areas of the thighs and hips.
  89. Throw shade: To throw shade is to criticize or disrespect someone subtly.
  90. Tl;dr: It is an abbreviation for “too long; didn’t read,” and it refers to the summary of a lengthy piece of writing or a sarcastic remark to a boring or meaningless text.
  91. Touch grass: It is used to encourage somebody to get in touch with reality, or to go outside. Used mainly on the internet, it implies that the person spends too much screen-time. e.g., “You must turn off the internet and go touch grass.”
  92. Triggered: Anger or offence caused by something; often used cynically or in mockery to indicate overreaction or hypersensitivity.
  93. Troll: Someone who intentionally offends people by posting provocative or obscene comments on the internet.
  94. Understood the assignment: to comprehend what was expected to be done; to execute something well. e.g., “When he finally stepped on the stage, he understood the assignment.”
  95. Valid: Something which is thoroughly acceptable. Say, for instance, “I agree, that your perspective is valid as hell.”
  96. Vibe: A mood, feeling, or atmosphere, frequently used in conjunction with “check” to signify “assess” or “evaluate”.
  97. Vibe check: To examine one’s personality or attitude. For instance, “You need a vibe check.”
  98. Wig: Performing something so well that “make one’s wig fly off.” Its not related to wig out. For example, “You always wig whenever you write a song.”
  99. Woke: Concerned about equality, current issues and social justice.
  100. Yeet: to throw anything with force and disregard. Additionally, it is used as a general positive exclamation. e.g., “He yeeted that pen all over the classroom.”
  101. Zesty: Typically used to describe anything exciting, enjoyable, and energetic. Can also refer to someone or anything that is sexually appealing or intriguing. On the other hand, can be used to indicate delicate or flamboyantly gay behavior. “That outfit you’re wearing appears quite zesty honestly.”


A. The most popular Gen Z slangs can vary by region and time, but some widely used terms include “lit” (exciting or cool), “flex” (showing off), “savage” (fearless or bold), and “simp” (acting overly affectionate). However, Gen Z slangs trend evolves rapidly than earlier generations.

Q2. Does Gen Z use lol?

Yes, Gen Z often uses “lol” (laugh out loud) in text messages and online communication to express amusement or lighten the tone. It’s a common gen Z slangs for them, just like previous generations have used it in their own digital conversations.

Q3. What is uncool in Gen Z slang?

In Gen Z slangs, “uncool” can be described using various terms, such as “cheugy”, “cringe,” “lame,” “basic,” or “boomer” (referring to outdated or traditional attitudes). What’s considered uncool can change quickly as new trends and language evolve within this generation.

Q4. Is Gen Z romantic?

Gen Z, like any other generation, includes a diverse range of individuals with varying romantic inclinations. Some Gen Z members are romantic and value traditional notions of love and relationships, while others may prioritize casual or non-traditional forms of connection. It’s important to recognize that attitudes toward romance can vary widely within this generation.

Q5. Does Gen Z Have a Nickname?

Generation Z or Gen Z is also known as zoomers, Homelanders, iGeneration, post-millennials or centennials.

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